Rosie in Murkland
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Stole the fiance's computer for a bit haha. Edited my Simself for the challenge. Will go through all the rules for the challenge tomorrow, seeing as it's already 1am here. 😮 I won't have much time to play with all the wedding planning and stuff, but I'll try to squeeze in some game time. I just miss playing so much!

Just checking if I did everything right so far... 4 lots are now empty, I couldn't find any lots for them on the gallery, or did I overlook something? And I placed the neighbour (I'm on my phone now and I forgot her name, Dusty?) across from my Simself, but that lot is empty. Should I build something there similar to the starter lot or should it remain empty? Sorry for all the newbie questions.

I didn't think I'd ever see my simself go through the trash cans! But she needs to eat...

Let's see if she can catch a fish or two?

I love sending out my Sims to collect and gather items around the world. This challenge allows me to do just that, in order to make some extra cash.
Over Rosana
Webmiss van SNW. Sims speler sinds 2000. Ik speel ook SimCity, Spore, MySims, en Minecraft.
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