
De Sims 3: Ambities - Nieuws

The "Where have all the superheroes gone?" video has reached 200K views! Congrats to avasmomamy, amysredroses, 8061Mshoup & andrewrbaker098 who were randomly selected for our Youtube Comment Giveaway! They will be receiving copies of Ambitions. Be the first to hear about our Youtube giveaways and subscribe to our channel. Until the next giveaway!

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Help our "The Sims 3 Where have all the superheroes gone?" video reach 200,000 Video Views! We will be giving away copies of The Sims 3 Ambitions to random recipients who Subscribe to our channel and comment on the video. The Giveaway ends when we’ve reached 200K video views. Remember to come back every day and leave a comment to increase your chances. Invite your friends!

Watch and Comment here

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Om deze update te installeren, moet je je game opstarten en het tabblad 'Updates' in het Startprogramma gebruiken.

Deze update voor de game bevat:

Updates voor basisgame

Let the freedom of The Sims™ 3 and the opportunities of The Sims 3 Ambitions inspire you! The Sims 3 Deluxe includes both The Sims 3 and the popular expansion pack The Sims 3 Ambitions in one! Available late September.

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“...gets what The Sims players love about the game...” – PC Gamer

Join our Facebook event for your chance to be randomly selected to receive a copy of The Sims 3: Ambitions signed by the game team! Attend the event and share your favorite Ambitions career in the event comments to participate. This ends tomorrow, Friday, June 11 at 2pm PST.

Attend event

Now that many of you have been playing Ambitions – are there any tips, hints, and other questions you have on how to play the game? We'll round up the most-asked questions and hand them over to The Sims 3 Producer - Grant Rodiek. Add your question in our Facebook Event linked below! Event ends this Friday, June 11, 3pm PST.

Submit your questions

Widen your Sim’s horizons with a bunch of killer new career opportunities. The Sims 3 Ambitions Expansion Pack is now available!

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Check out the wackier side of things in The Sims 3 Ambitions Expansion Pack!

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